Monday, February 20, 2017

Journalists and the media

Read this column by the editor of the Dallas Morning News:

and give me your thoughtful reaction.

20 points, due by 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22.


  1. I don't think that media are the enemy of the people. Sometimes they can help us by being our voice, especially in the case of the 17 year old because the media was able to be his voice when he may not be able to do that. It probably is not a good idea to be talking about how fake news is more reliable than the usual well known news sources that we have always known to be reliable. Also I found it hard to follow along with the article because the way it kept repeating "enemies of the people," kept on confusing me. It was being too vague and I could not tell if the writer was making a joke out of what they were saying or if they were really trying to get people on their side. It's not bad to have reliable media especially if the news that they are reporting is relevant to our daily lives. For the type of country we are supposed to be, I think we should have media because we all have the right to know what is going on.

  2. When he said "Enemies of the people" I personally think he was talking about the journalists. Just by certain remarks and statements he made. I don't think journalists are enemies of the people. They are here to keep the people informed on what is going on like they should. The people have the right to know what is going on in our society. I think that he was also making a statement that we are all human beings and we all have personal lives as well. Many times Journalists are made out to be "enemies of the people" because of the media and news. But, If no one informs the people how will they know.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The fact of the matter is that its not a journalist who is an enemy of the people its the truth journalist portray that make us look like an enemy. Journalist have a job just like any other people its not like we didnt or arent uneducated. we portray truth that make him upset and that to me is wrong. He feels like if its not in the favor of him than we are the enemy.

  5. Newspapers are citizens' enemies when they intentionally spread false information or change the facts. If news company is managed by government, then it may also give fake propaganda news. We can't generalize that all journalists from the same news group are our enemies and say lays. What is more, people are smart, so they can indicate if a reporter is trustful or not. As the article mentions, plenty of journalists do a good job. They find out and solve citizens problems. The journalism is a mission to educate people what's going on in the world and helps them improve the life and the world. It is unfair if someone judges all journalist because some of them write things which disapprove specific behaviors and actions.

  6. In my oppinion the writer of the article negates Trumps negative words of the media. By referring to journalists and reporters as "an enemy of the American people" throughout the article while describing their day to day routines the author shows how 'normal' the media is, and how they are just like any other American. In doing this Wilson explains how outlandish Trumps accusations of the media being the "enemy" of the American people really is without really attacking his words in a direct way.
    As for Trumps remark about the media, I think that he is referring to the media outlets that don't agree with him. It's true their is fake news out there, but by calling out such well known media source with no basis to back his accusation, one can assume he feels so strongly because the news that is being reported is not always in agreeance with his policies and beliefs.

  7. Trump's first tweet grabs my attention. I don't think it's appropriate for him to publicly bash any media source, because it sends the wrong message out to citizens. Describing journalist as "enemies of the people" is extremely unfitting. They are still people. Most of them do their jobs to the absolute best of their abilities. I find it humorous that Trump tweets that CNN, ABC, NYtimes, and other credible sources are "fake news," but FOX News is perfectly fine. By stating that journalists are "enemies of the people" it makes their credibility dwindle. When in reality, journalists are the people that keep everyone informed of what's going on in the world.

  8. I feel as if this article is meant to show that journalist are everyday people; American citizens. The author describes their life and struggles to connect with the audience to validate that journalist and nonjournalist aren't different at all. We are all the same. It is impossible for journalist to be the enemy of the public when they are the public as well.
    In my opinion, Donald Trump should not be able to tweet such accusations especially with the authority he has. It will eventually result in a bigger divide in our country than there is already; those who are not for Trump vs those who are. Imagine if everyone took his tweets literally and began to only watch FOX News. What would that do to our country as a whole? Also, not only is it harmful to citizens, it's harmful economically to the other news medias. Trump's tweets could easily be the reasoning for less subscriptions, app downloads, readers, etc.

  9. In my opinion, media is not the enemy of people especially not against citizens. Because I believe media is obviously the main way that people can know what is going on around, however, that can be enemy for people who do not want the information to spread out like celebrities or politicians. But, of course yes, when media is not following their ethics and spreading the fake news or confusing people with the header for their business reason is bad. Without media or journalists, it is almost impossible for us to be aware of the society, so it is not enemy.
    But if he pointed out that journalists or media that are not being neutral and try to make people against him, I get the point.

  10. This article basically goes to show how much trouble Trump is going through to make the people believe that the news is the enemy. He's trying to smudge the names of news reporters. All these people are doing what they need to provide the right information to the people, but some people would disagree, Trump. FOX News agrees with his views so he's bias towards them and tell the people that CNN,NYTimes, BBC and other very credible sources for news are just feeding the people garbage.

  11. I do not believe that the media is an enemy of the people. If anything, the media SERVES the people. Without journalists and the media, people would not know the important events and happenings occurring in the world: an un-informed society is a gulliable, helpless society. I understand being upset about people not agreeing with you, but you cannot bash them like President Trump is doing. He is going about this the wrong way-you can disagree with people, but you still have to show them respect. While the media can either help or hurt a President, Trump is turning the media against himself, and therefore hurting his presidency.

  12. The article is taken from the perspective of what it is like on the inside of the journalism world. The author took the words of our current president and put them in place of words that would describe the peers and journalist in this specific news area. The author is showing how the “enemies of people,” that President Trump describes the news industry as, are just everyday people like you and me. They all have lives and problems and they care about their community. They occasionally make mistakes and it is upsetting. They are fighting for their jobs in many ways and take their work very seriously.
    This perspective, really goes to show how what president Trump and his colleagues are saying is not true. Journalist and the news are not enemies of people, if anything they are rallying for the people by holding our leader accountable for his false preachings to the masses. We have to stand up for our media and support them. We need to educate others and fight this “fake news” statement that is being blanketed to news organizations that hold the president accountable.

  13. This story was really well done. It shows that despite what may be going around the news regarding "fake news" and "media being the enemy" that the media is full of good-hearted and amazing people. No matter how hard Trump tries to demonize the media, they are all just like us. They struggle, they succeed, they mean well. This article also portrays Trump in a negative and ignorant light. By saying that the media who covers him in a good light is not an enemy, he's sowing the seeds of mistrust for those who blindly follow him. It's a shame how president Trump doesn't think that he can trust all media due to "fake news."

  14. Whenever I see Trump's tweets, I first off view them as a satire but then slowly realize this is how he actually thinks and talks.

    The article we are reading is put in the perspective of the "enemies of the people." The author of the article is humanizing these enemies to show the President and the people that they are just the same as they are. They have the same feelings and problems to go through. We go through life thinking that no one knows how we feel or goes through the same issues.
    The enemies are doing their best to spread the stories they write for the good of the people. But when one thing in the story does not seem accurate enough for the common individual, we kick and spit until there is no regard towards what the article is actually about. Only focusing on the mistake or how it could have been handled "if I wrote it," or "I would make it better and not FAKE."
    It's hard to relate to an entire world. That's why there is different media coverage; to read and hear what you want, the way you want. There seems to be no way around the fact that not everyone will be satisfied.

  15. I found this article a little hard to stay engaged in, because it kept repeating the phrase "enemies of the people". I understand the use of this and trying to mock Donald Trump's tweet, but it seemed a little overused. I think they took the words of Donald Trump saying "the fake news media is going crazy" and put it into an argument that President Trump is against all media. The reality is, if a media outlet doesn't support Trump's ideas, why would he support them? This is shown by his support to Fox News in the tweet. Just as the democratic party would support a more democratic sided news outlet. In my opinion, this goes back to researching to find your own opinion of whether what you are hearing and reading is real news or fake news. In Donald Trump's opinion, MSNBC and CNN are reporting more fake news than reliable news. In other's opinions, Fox reports more fake news.

  16. In my opinion, the writer of this article is describing journalists and the media as being the "enemy of the people." The writer explains their everyday life followed by their struggles to portray that they are everyday people just like ourselves. In my opinion, Donald Trump should not have the right to make such accusations through Twitter and the media. Trump is creating tension that will only result in hurting his appearance and presidency. Without having journalists and the media we would not have an informed society about events and happenings in the community.

  17. For Donald Trump to label media as fake news as well as the enemy of the people is just simply ludicrous. The enemy of the people is a enemy that lies directly to their face and expect the people to be okay with it. A enemy of the people is alienating one particular race or even generation so that a personal agenda can be sought after. The real enemy of the people is our own government. The day our government decided to with hold information from its own citizens that is when the trust becomes broken. Donald Trumps perspective on the society that he himself lives in has really be showcased with every interview as well as every tweet. I do believe that Trump is trying his absolute best to turn the people against the media. Turning the people against the media and its news sources will only cause a mass ripple affect of violence, frustration, and the feeling of being 'silenced' from the american people. I love Stephen Crowleys sarcasm throughout the entire article. Journalism is and will continue to be as vital to society as vital as a cup of water is to a american solider thats been in the hot desert for days.

  18. I think that President Trump calling the media "enemies of the people" is quite wrong and inaccurate. While there are a few journalists reporting fake news, that doesn't mean the entire media is. I think it's wrong to label an entire group because of the actions of a few. I think it was a very dangerous thing to say by President Trump being the most powerful man in the world. It's going to clearly hurt all journalists, not just the unethical ones.

  19. President Trump has shown me that he is all for himself. In this particular incident dealing with "enemies of the people" says a lot. Calling the media out of their name is disrespectful and wrong. Understandably, not all media is putting out fake news or twisting words around. So I feel like you cannot put everyone in that particular category. For Example, you can't say all men are the same or all women are the same its just wrong. Being the leader of the United States you have to encourage not rip apart things you disagree with. We the people must be able to trust these media with their news with Trump bashing them it makes the audience second guess our decisions.
