Monday, February 13, 2017

Chapter 1 outline: The Changing Media

n  Chapter 1
The Changing Media

n  The Media in Our Lives
Ø  9+ hours per day
Ø  5 months per year
Ø  34 billion bytes per day
per person
Ø  We consume and make

n  Media in Changing World
Ø  Conventional media: books, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, film
Ø  Impact of digital technology and the Internet
Ø  Merging of mass media
into new media forms and content

n  Merging Technologies
Ø  Media convergence
Ø  Communication moving
from analog to digital
Ø  Formerly distinct channels now integrated in common medium (Net, DVD)

n   Digital Media Primer
Ø  Digits 1 or 0, on or off
Ø  Sound: samples & levels
Ø  Pictures: brightness
and color of pixels
Ø  Bits: 1000001=A
Ø  Human senses still analog   

n  Changing Industries
Ø  Rise of Apple, Google, & Facebook
Ø  Conventional media firms are struggling
Ø  Economic recession and failed mergers hurt large media firms
Ø  Hardest-hit industry:

n  Changing Lifestyles
Ø  Online video
Ø  Online politics
Ø  Video games
Ø  Conventional media don’t reach young adults
Ø  TV is still central to young people
Ø  New media’s impact on culture, human relationships
n  Shifting Regulations
Ø  Telecom Act of 1996
n  Deregulated industry
Ø  Copyright Extension Act
n  Broadened protection
Ø  Net neutrality
n  Can Internet providers favor some types of information?

n  Rising Social Issues
Ø  Media violence
Ø  Concerns about new and interactive media
Ø  Isolated lives
Ø  Digital divide
Ø  Internet control
Ø  Social networking revolutions

n  Media Throughout History
Ø  Pre-agricultural society
n  Spoken word
n              Agricultural society
n  Writing develops
n  Masses illiterate
n  Books copied by hand

n  Media Throughout History
Ø  Industrial society
n  Gutenberg press (1455)
n  Mass production of books
n  Diffusion of literacy
Ø  Today: information society

Information Society
Ø  Economy depends on production & consumption
of information
Ø  Rise of information workers
Ø  Dominant tool: computer
Ø  Information industries
go digital

n   SMCR Model
Ø   Schramm’s classic model
of mass communication
n  Source
n  Message
n  Channel
n  Receiver
n  Feedback

n  Types of Communication
Ø  Intrapersonal
Ø  Interpersonal
Ø  Small group
Ø  Large group
Ø  Organizational
Ø  Intercultural

n  What Are the Media Now?
Ø  Digital
Ø  Interactive
Ø  Social media
Ø  Asynchronous
Ø  Narrowcasting
Ø  Multimedia

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