Monday, February 13, 2017

Chapter 2 outline — Media and Society

Chapter 2 outline
Media and Society

n  Understanding the Media
Ø  Do media change society
or reflect society?
Ø  Mutual relationship between media and culture
Ø  Theories on how media institutions function

n  Media Economics
Ø  Media exist to make money
Ø  Mass production, distribution
are keys to economic success
Ø  Profits reaped by producing many copies at low cost
Ø  Large audiences help media companies recoup first-copy 

n  Media Economics
Ø  Economies of scale
n  Cut staff, automate, merge
n  Reduce marginal costs
Ø  Benefits of competition
n  Law of supply and demand
n  Good for consumers: lower prices, better products
Ø  Marginal costs

n  Media Economics
Ø  Media monopolies
n  No pressure to be efficient
n  Can raise prices and profits
n  Not invariably bad
n  Can reduce content diversity
Ø  Duopoly
Ø  Oligopoly

n  Media Economics
Ø  Barriers to entry
Ø  Profit motive
n  Profits: what’s left after paying costs and taxes
n  Media use different methods to recoup first-copy costs
n  Profits are not always paramount (example: PBS)

n  How Media Make Money
Ø  Direct sales (buy iPod)
Ø  Rentals (rent DVD)
Ø  Subscriptions (newspaper)
Ø  Usage fees (movie ticket)
Ø  Advertising (newspapers,
magazines, TV, radio)

n  How Media Make Money
Ø  Syndication (TV reruns)
Ø  License fees (song royalties)
Ø  Subsidies (PBS)
Ø  Voluntary donations (NPR, some software and game developers)

n  Mass Markets to Segments
Ø  Narrowcasting: target smaller audience segments with specialized content
Ø  Why? Technologies, advertisers’ preferences, research techniques, consumer-info databases, audience demand

n  New Media Economics
Ø  Personalized content
Ø  Internet: low reproduction
and distribution costs
Ø  Websites use advertising, too (but with a twist)
n  Examples: Google sponsored ads, Groupon

n  Critical Studies
Ø  Need for media literacy
Ø  Political economy
n  Marx: Dominant groups create hegemony
Ø  Feminist studies
Ø  Ethnic studies
Ø  Media criticism

n  Postmodernism
Ø  Critique of modern technological society
Ø  No universal truth
n  All views equally valid
n  New forms of expression
n  Nation-states obsolete
Ø  What comes next?

n  Diffusion of Innovations
Ø  Explains why people adopt new communication behaviors
Ø  Why innovations succeed: price, compatibility, social norms, other factors
Ø  Stages of diffusion: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards

n  Media’s Functions
Ø  Surveillance (news)
Ø  Interpretation (editorials)
Ø  Values transmission/ socialization (textbooks)
Ø  Entertainment (movies)
Ø  Functions of new media

n  Media and Public Opinion
Ø  Gatekeeping
Ø  Agenda setting
n  Media tell us what to think about
n  But new media may be undermining older media
Ø   Framing
n  Media tell us how to think

n   Technological Determinism
Ø  The medium is the message (McLuhan)
n  Form, not content, matters
n  The ‘global village’
Ø  Technology as dominant social force (Postman)

Ø  Media drive culture

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